MK Lightning Season Tickets 25/26

Season Tickets

Season tickets will cover 29 games (make up of games to be decided).

Separate ticket offers for games not covered in your Season Ticket, such as additional pre-season and cup semi-finals will be released in due course, with discounts for season ticket holders.

Important Dates for Season Tickets

Season Tickets will go on sale on the 15th March 25 at 12 noon on a first come, first served basis.

Existing Season Ticket Holders (where tickets are held for the 2024/25 season) have their places are held on reserve until 10th May 25 at 9am.

Early Bird pricing runs until 17th May 25 at 9am.

The Direct Debit Option will only be available for an Earlybird ticket – this will be collected as deposit and 5 monthly instalments. 

There is an administration charge for paying by Direct Debit of £30 which applies only to Adult, Concession and Family tickets (The fee does not apply to individual Children’s tickets).

You can still purchase a Season Ticket after the Earlybird offer has ended, but you will need to pay in full at the time.  You will need to Pay in full at time of purchase if buying after 17th May 25 9am.

Please read the Terms and Conditions here

MKL Season Ticket Pricing 25/26 season

Season Ticket Benefits

Reserved seat/ space for the duration of the season.

Equivalent to 5 (Early Bird) or 4 free games.

Digital Season Ticket, if you require a physical card, please tick the box, and we will send a payment link (£5 per card).

Chance to purchase a discounted Season Ticket Holder Only Jersey with your details on the back.

Entry to into a raffle to win an Own and Loan jersey for the season.

Designated entry line.

No queuing to buy tickets.

Discounted ticket for any additional games, and your seat  space reserved for you for these.

Season Tickets are transferable between ticket categories (e.g. if you can’t make a match you can lend your ticket a friend in the same category (adult to adult, child to child etc).


Ticket Criteria


Aged 19 to 59 as of 1 September 2025 or on day of purchase if bought after 1st September


3-15 years as of 1 September 2025 or on day of purchase if bought after 1st September

(Anyone aged 15 and under, needs to be accompanied and  supervised by a responsible adult during the game.)

  • Young Adult – Aged 16-18 as of 1 September 2025 or on day of purchase if bought after 1st September
  • Senior Citizen – Aged 60 or over as of 1 September 2025 or on day of purchase if bought after 1st September
  • Students – TOTUM is required
Three categories are offered.  All children must meet criteria above.
  • The person with the disability purchases a full price ticket of the correct category (Concession or Adult only), and a carer is admitted free of charge (Note: If the disabled person could access the service without a Carer, the club is not be obliged to admit a Carer free of charge).
  • Please see here, for what documentation is accepted.  You need to apply online when they go on sale, the same process as all other Season Tickets, stating in the comment box information relevant to the application for a carer ticket.
  • Please contact MKL is advance of purchasing any tickets for the Accessible area – there is a waiting list for this area.

Seat/ Standing Locations

To help in choosing your seat or standing location, please take a look at the rink plan. Please remember that for operational reasons, we may need to offer you alternative seating or standing location but we will contact you to discuss this should the need arise.

Note:  In the event of a single seat between season ticket holders (even if you had the seat/ space last season), the club will move season ticket seats to stop single seats between season ticket holders.

To buy your tickets please head over to our online booking system from 12 noon on the 15th March 25

See Rink Plan

How are Season tickets Allocated?

With all tickets we will aim to have these confirmed at the earliest opportunity, usually within a week.

However there may be occasions when this takes longer, examples of this are there you are wanting to move seats and the ST holders from the previous years have not yet been released.

Note the purchasing system is manual.   Previous years it has taken about a week to work through the initial purchases received on the day season tickets go on sale, so it may show as your choice is available online when it’s been bought but not yet blocked out.  Please add a few seat choices in order 1st choice: 2nd choice, 3rd choice. 

If you are waiting to see if other seats become available after the renewal deadline from previous ST holders – please enter a 1st choice to get a seat “locked in” then we can work with you if others become available after the renewal date has passed.

For ANY spaces on the assessable ramp, please contact MKL in advance of purchasing – there is a waiting list for this area.

Please be advised there will be a delay processing all Season Ticket Requests the week of the 5-9th May 25 and 22nd May-2nd June 25 due to Staff absences.

Click here to view our FAQ page

(Make sure you click the Season Ticket FAQ tab)